Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestley

All Freelancers, Recently Self-Employed, and Business Owners should watch this. Key insight into the big picture you don’t see everywhere.…/daniel-priestley-key-perso…/ #businessgrowth #thebigpicture #danielpriestley #londonreal

Paradox of Authenticity

“If we define authenticity as simply being your true self, then we really shouldn’t have to look for it in the first place. If we’re looking for it, then we’ve already lost it. And that is what we can call the paradox of authenticity.” – Jordan Harbinger

Just launched!

Just launched for Autumn Rose Beauty Studio by Sonia Kanda! Sonia is a multi-talented Makeup and Hair artist and also offers Skin care services at her home studio in Surrey. Check out the web site at! Visit Sonia’s page Autumn Rose Beauty Studio – Professional Hair, Makeup, and Skin Services

Eye of the Hurricane

Discovered something useful tonight about vortex.. happiness..flow state..and the fragile and sensitive nature of it I often go to play snooker (a billiards game) at the local pool hall. It’s a bigger table.. harder to play.. and requires more concentration. I get immense joy playing and competing, when I’m playing well. Its as close to […]

Fixing that one area of your life you can’t seem to get right

Funny how sometimes, the teacher becomes the student, almost instantaneously.. I was commenting on someone’s Facebook post..   And so I decided to respond in my usual style.. to just type instinctively without judgement.. The moment I hit post.. I suddenly realized that I could use that same advice for myself.. reach calm waters. In fact, […]

Get out of the GOOP

Get out of the GOOP (good opinions of other people):   It’s not that they don’t want to make you feel good (as much as they love you, they probably don’t if they really had to think about it). It’s actually more about you. If you rely on others, you can never truly find source/vortex/god, […]

Mooji – Speaker, Author, Teacher

A recent discovery you might enjoy…Moojiji “When you truly find love for others inside your heart, it is so empowering, so beautiful, because you are seeing with the eyes of God. There’s no selfishness there. Selfishness did not create this world. A great love and generosity did.”  

Value your Time

Value your time wisely my friend… You know the old saying.. its attributed to confucius.. but who knows if its confucius or not.. “Seek revenge and you shall dig two graves, one for yourself”. You always have to ask yourself, How do you want to spend your time? How do you want to spend […]

The Cold Within, a Poem

The Cold Within Six humans trapped by happenstance In bleak and bitter cold. Each one possessed a stick of wood Or so the story’s told. Their dying fire in need of logs The first man held his back For of the faces round the fire He noticed one was black. The next man looking ‘cross […]

It’s simpler than you think…

It’s that TINY little shift of energy within you.. the one you never paid much attention to….when you are doing something ordinary.. making breakfast.. driving.. at work.. ..the one where you start to sing along when a song comes on the radio ♫♪♫…and you start tapping your feet and smiling.. Can you remember it now? […]