Fixing that one area of your life you can’t seem to get right

Written in 2017

Funny how sometimes, the teacher becomes the student, almost instantaneously..

I was commenting on someone’s Facebook post..

For a long time I’ve been trying to manifest financial abundance for freedom, and to be honest I have really tried, but I’m getting nowhere, I’m so frustrated with the whole thing as now I just feel depressed about not being able to manifest this, I want it and I know I deserve it so what’s the deal? Where do I go from here. I’m no quitter but right now I feel tired and fed up


And so I decided to respond in my usual style.. to just type instinctively without judgement..

“Reach calm waters. It might mean doing something outside of this manifest so that you are at a point of peace within yourself. Its not to give up, or to forget about it for a moment. Any kind of good energy helps. Get out of “tired and fed up” mode and into something happy and fun and higher vibration somewhere else.. health.. love.. friends.. hobbies.. once u reach higher vibration states.. open up slowly to the manifest you seek.. talk to it from joy and smiles and love.. approaching it from pain probably isn’t doing it any good.”

The moment I hit post.. I suddenly realized that I could use that same advice for myself.. reach calm waters. In fact, anybody could. Can you really solve a problem if it’s at the point of frustration? Does working harder and harder get you anywhere? Perhaps you need a break from the challenge. A break to go find joy and happiness elsewhere and then from that happier vibration, tackle the problem once again with a fresh perspective.

Here is a quick step strategy you might try if you have reached frustrated/broken/depressed:

  1. Put  “the problem” on hold. Not forever.. just long enough for a mini-vacation.. It might be an hour, a day, a week, or a month. It might mean being away from someone temporarily. You get to decide how long the vacation is for.
  2. Go find some happy places in your life and promise yourself not to think of “the problem”. Just look for joy.
  3. Once you reach joy, try to remember the feeling.. capture it.. Write down what it feels like. Take photos.. record a video
  4. Once the vacation is over.. start with a blank sheet of paper, metaphorically speaking. Target the problem again, but do it a bit differently. At first, the instinct will be to go back into the lower vibration and energy pattern from before. It’s natural. But the moment you sense yourself easing into that pain, go and grab that happy moment you captured before. Mirror it. Make the happy moment indistinguishable from “the problem”. See “the problem” as solved. See it as done. See it as if you took a snapshot, just like your other happy moment.

By doing the above exercise, you are re-patterning and re-writing the story of “the problem”. You are giving yourself a chance to see “the problem” as solved and completed. You are able to see beyond the current difficulty, and see the finished outcome with a happier and more energetic vibe, and hopefully, will be able to de-construct the end result into an action plan you can follow now.

An example…

Let’s have a look at an example. I have two “problems” I’m dealing with right now. Relationships, and good health. My health is fine, I just don’t look good and feel good in my own skin. I want to look a lot better.  I want to be able to take my shirt off on a beach and not feel like everyone is looking at me. I have definitely reached the stage of frustration and giving up.

Until writing this post, I have never considered that there is an energetic component to it.  That from the happy places in my life (finance, hobbies, work to some degree) I’m feeling pretty darn content and satisfied that it’s going to be fine. Why can’t I use the same higher vibration to solve this other thing? Yeah!  Why not? Of course I can!

Today for the first time, in regards to health, I am picturing the end result of fitness in a higher and happier vibration version of me. I see myself fit AND smiling and laughing.. (how I FEEL is the key to the answer), I can now more clearly see a path. Some dedication to a daily regimen is all I need. A walk or jog. Perhaps a change in my pantry (removing temptations) as well. If I can do that, and know the end reward is the same happy feeling I get playing snooker, or writing on my blog, then I can lose the weight and look fit.

I can do this!


See the future version of yourself visually AND emotionally. Attach a happy/proud/successful/loving emotion to that future picture. The emotional component of that future version of you is crucial.

Emotions attached to a goal/dream/desire allow them to reach deep into your consciousness and transform you. Once you see the future version of yourself in a higher vibration, you can then de-construct from that place into the present circumstances, and can then see a way out.

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