NOTE: This post is tailored towards some of the teachings of the Law of Attraction and Abraham Hicks. If things like upstream and downstream don’t make sense to you, go listen to some Abraham Hicks material on Youtube here  first and then come back here.

Are you having upstream thoughts? Perhaps about someone else doing better than you? Or having more than you? Feelings of jealousy, contempt, revenge, etc?

A few ideas to get you facing more downstream…

Accept that the feeling exists within you

Working on your well-being is your spiritual work. Part of that work is recognizing that good and bad feelings exist. Just recognize them within you first. That’s all at this early stage. Recognition and awareness are the first steps in changing anything.

Every emotion has some use in your escrow

It’s OK to feel what you feel. Really it is. Now, it’s not good forever! Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want you to think that negative, debilitating emotions like the ones you feel, are OK. They are not in the long run. But I can give you some good news about them: they help to build a faster flowing river, even the river you are currently upstream on.

Abraham Hicks says…any emotion, felt strongly makes your river flow faster and inserts more into your vibrational escrow. When you are in the wrong vibration, you are building a vibrational escrow.. an account of energy. Once you turn downstream, that same account becomes available to you to draw and benefit from.

Know that a crazy-loop is forming

The Law of Attraction states that you attract what you feel. So if you feel a negative emotion, you get more of that vibration in your life. For example, someone else, carrying the same vibe can show up. Or an event manifests itself that confirms more of how you feel. Or more negative things happen to you. Have you ever had a friend that always stubs their toe, or gets into car accidents? Yep, that’s the Law of Attraction. What’s really freaky though is that if you aren’t careful, you might start to see the world through that clouded lense. The negative emotions build up resonance and momentum and the next thing you know, everything is headed in the wrong direction. Thankfully, however, the Law of Attraction is universal. It applies to positive OR negative emotions. You get to choose.

Feelings are like a shooting star: the more you look for them, the more they show up.

Realize it’s temporal nature

It’s pretty difficult to feel something all the time. Joy, happiness, sadness, depression, fear.. all these and more are just moments in your life. Feelings get triggered in you by life events, people, new information, and everything else you interact with throughout your life. Feelings enter and leave as you allow them to. They exist for a few minutes, hours, or days, and then dissipate over time as your world changes. Feelings will leave in order to make room for the next feeling entering your awareness. When you feel a bad emotion, just say to yourself.. “this too will soon pass” and remember that just around the corner, something new will enter.

Become the observer and not the participant

This will take some creative work on your part. It may be useful to look at yourself as someone else might see you. Not to judge or make a comment, but simply to see yourself dealing with these feelings from an observer’s point of view. Will you hold that emotion for a long time? Is there a better emotion you could feel? Don’t you know that the other person has been through so much in life? If you can practice this technique it will help you move more quickly from jealousy, to observation, to non-reaction, the next time the same emotion comes up.

Someone else feels the same about you

Someone is jealous of you right now.

OK, I’m taking a big leap stating that, but it COULD be true. Just think about that for a second. Someone else, in some other dimension of your life, feels a negative emotion towards you. They think you have this wonderful joy, freedom, love, money, etc, which they don’t have.

When you realize this, your first reaction may be “I don’t care what anyone else feels about me.” Great. Good for you. Guess what? You know that that person YOU feel jealous about? They don’t care either.

You don’t get to have jealousy/revenge/contempt all on your own. Someone else gets to have it too. And in every case, the target of that emotion probably doesn’t care all that much.

You will never know their story. You are not them.

Lets work on a specific type of feeling for the moment: jealousy. Let’s say you feel jealousy, an upstream emotion, about someone. From your point of view, they have more abundance than you (health, love, joy, etc). Let’s say that’s true. From your incomplete point of view, they have more. Let’s remember one important thing: you are not them. Your story of them is only based on what they LET you see. You will never know their full emotional and detailed story. Do you know if they faced horrific abuse, suicidal feelings, heart break, theft, murder of someone close to them? Do you? Do you know for sure? Definitely not. You will never know everything about them. And more importantly, you will never know what they FELT during their dark days.

Once you realize we are all on journey, and everyone will get what they ask for in this life, jealousy serves no purpose except to make you feel bad. So what if someone has something you don’t have. You can’t make them have less, so that you feel better can you?

Let their blessings be a guide

I used to feel a lot of jealousy and contempt towards others during a recent difficult stage of life. I felt very much that others were having so much abundance and I wasn’t. And with some recent personal work, a lot of introspection, and finally, working on my own joy, I came to a realization that I was looking at things all the wrong way. Happy, joyful people are a blessing, not a restriction. They are here to bring me good vibrations, not to drag me down. Happy people are a blessing, because they are sharing love and light, not to watch me drown while they stare down at me, but to help me find the path back to where they are, so that we can all have one big party. The world is acting to inspire me, not to laugh at me.

When you see something that you want, but don’t have yet, realize that it’s god/source/universe giving you emotional deposits for your vortex. Each good thing you see is a new emotion you get to feel and the more you see it, the more you will manifest it in your world.

The result of letting go is Compassion, and later, Love and Gratitude

The next time you feel negative emotions towards someone, let it go. Run the story in your head.. “I don’t know what they went through..” and then.. “They are a light bulb, showing me the way.. ” and then, if you can.. “I love what they represent in my life. Thank you god/universe/source for bringing so much joy into my life…” See them as a blessing, not a curse.

Nowadays, when I see others, I don’t hate them, I feel great love for them. I pray that they don’t suffer in their journey. I pray that they don’t experience the suffering that I felt. I want them to have more joy and abundance so that I can get that in return. I actively go look for happy people cause I can take advantage of their emotion in my own vortex.

When I first made this shift about other people’s success, at first I felt compassion. But soon after, I quickly moved to Love. And more recently, gratitude. Gratitude that I’m getting to see more positive emotions in my journey. Like a rocket ship accelerating off the launch pad, each new emotion and thing, replicating and inserting itself into my own life into some future moment in time.

(In the picture above: The monkey does not hate the bird cause it can fly, and he cannot)