How to find your “purpose” quickly

Written in 2017

Looking for Purpose is like looking for yesterday’s shadow. You know it’s there, but you will never find it.

Recently, a friend enlightened me on a quote, “Hands that help are holier than lips that pray”. When I heard it, I laughed it off. You mean I’m supposed to serve others? How crazy is that? What about MY needs? What about MY purpose? What about MY dreams?

After many months looking for it and not finding this ever-elusive shadow, I tried an experiment. I gave up looking. I said to myself “If I stop looking for one, what happens?” Nothing. I live. Instead of looking for a purpose (something that sooths my ego and gives me a reason to be here), I will stop looking and become a vessel for god’s purpose. I will let god handle purpose, and I will handle the work.

As a business owner, I know that if I don’t help my clients, and my audience, I won’t be successful. Jim Rohn, a famous business leader and one of my mentors, once said, “Service to others leads to greatness”. I have heard it many times, but I didn’t really clue in until recently.

I’m convinced now, that purpose is created in the work we do. We can serve others in many ways. Volunteer, run a business, invent solutions, answer our clients and customer concerns, keep a family together, serve a husband or wife in their endeavors, help an aging parent, develop a business that helps people.

If you get busy helping, creating, inventing, and serving you will quickly understand how fulfilling that act is. The act of serving others lightens the soul. It gets you focused on others, and not on yourself. And in return, a gift is given to you: peace in your heart. You come to realize that YOU don’t matter as much as you think. Life isn’t just about YOU, its also about helping the ones close to you. Find out what THERE concerns are. Have you asked a close friend or client what do THEY need help with?

If you are a business owner, one of your main jobs is to create value. Create solutions for your customers. They come to you looking for answers to their problems. Ask questions. Probe their mind and find out what causes them pain. Find solutions. Provide VALUE.

As a business owner, THAT is your primary role. Create VALUE for your clients. You may have other purposes in other areas of life, but VALUE creation must be a high priority for you in your business.

I’m convinced now that “Find your purpose”, should really be re-labeled to “Find your value”. Too many people are lost because they don’t believe they deserve to exist. They are looking inside for their purpose outside, but it’s an endless search. Find the VALUE inside that helps the world, and you will realize that your purpose is to find that gift.