Nobody has the answer but you

Written in 2017

Some of you are living a fulfilling and complete life. Through luck, hard work, and never giving up, you got it. Congratulations. I know it’s not always happy, but it is on balance.

I haven’t been so lucky. But it’s not luck. I get it. It’s putting in the effort. You only get what you deserve through the work of your own hands and mind. In the past, when I was stuck, I looked for answers. The one thing. The single answer or book or course or social network that could get me to this strange island everyone else seems to be visiting called “happiness”. To be honest, I still seek the answer but I take a wiser approach now. Somehow, I didn’t seem to get the early lesson of actually working hard and that happiness is earned, not deserved.

The most important thing I have learned is that NO SINGLE HUMAN can have the complete answer. It’s not possible. Each of us comes from a single point of reference: our own lives. Even if you read 50 books on destiny and happiness, they might all be wrong and the answer might be in the 51st book.

Even making this post is my arrogant point of view.

One thing I have figured out: we are designed to live and get better. That seems to be our genetic destiny if you look at the human population in the past 300 years. We are getting smarter, faster, and living longer.

But everyone has only so much time.

So if you have a dream, then do it. If you want to be a juggler, cook, pie maker, CEO, or sweeper, do it. You only have this one life (as far as we know). Live without regret. A week from now life could end for something benign, tragic, or accidental like the snap of a finger.

Pursue the dream. Do it smartly. Get some mentors – we are social creatures after all. Read books and use your unique, human-only gift: to think and get better. Don’t try to re-invent. It’s time wasting.
