Let go of that which holds you back…

Written in 2017
Keep letting go until you feel free, light, and happy.
It’s difficult if you aren’t there yet. But as you let more things go, it becomes easier to let more things go. I’m not talking about wealth or objects of desire.. I’m talking about the dead weight.. the demons.. the bad people.. the bad ideas.. the stuff you know is eating you up.. the stuff that makes you cry.. past hurts.. past pain..
How can u possibly swim in the “stream” with all that weight on your shoulders? How can you move on? Its pretty difficult…even Micheal Phelps will tell u to take the dead weight off your back…
I know what it’s like.. . I carried everyone’s issues on my back from poor past programming.. I was helpful and kind.. and of course… everyone being in need would respond with appreciation which would in turn re-enforce the behaviour in me.. but then it also created a bad loop cause I need appreciation from everyone else.. a losing scenario.. I stopped it by letting go of that need.. by watching a lot of Joel Osteen and realizing god/source has my back.. some soul food and deep lessons..

Facebook discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AbrahamHicksVortexGroupOfLOVE/permalink/1309759499150513/